The tiktok ban was never about our safety from our information being taken or any of that sort, its because it was starting to have to much power. People were realizing that America and the government and supreme court isn't all glitter and sparkles. So its a ploy to have control. I am genuinely devastated about this but I hope someone even if its … Read More
2007 sene?ndan sonras?nda Türk Silahl? Kuvvetlerinin baz? muvazzaf ve emekli mensuplar?, çarp?? maksat? ve ülkeyi arama at?na buyurmak amaçl? kaos planlar?na ili?kin davalarla ilgili olarak kazalanmaya mebdelanm??t?r.?nsanca ve müstakil ya?amaktan ba?ka gayesi s?f?r milletin ayn? ideale ba?l? ve ama onun emrine bas?c? ve sadakatli öz evlâtla… Read More